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Cohen's Kappa#

Cohen's Kappa is a statistical metric that evaluates the reliability of an algorithm's predictions with similar goals as accuracy or F1-score. However, the Cohen's Kappa score magnifies the advantage a classifier has over a random classifier based on class frequencies. The Kappa statistic is a robust metric, particularly when there is significant class imbalance for binary and multiclass classification problems, which extends to more complicated ML tasks such as object detection.

Like statistical correlation coefficients, Cohen's Kappa ranges from -1 to +1, but typically ranges from 0 to 1. A value of 0 means that a model agrees with a completely random model, with the same level of performance.

Implementation Details#

Cohen's Kappa coefficient (\(\kappa\)) is calculated by comparing the observed agreement (true positives and true negatives) between the model inferences and the ground truths against expected classifications by random chance based on the marginal frequencies of each class.

The formula for Cohen's Kappa is:

\[ \kappa = \frac{P_o - P_e}{1 - P_e} \]


  • \(P_o\) is the observed agreement
  • \(P_e\) is the hypothetical probability of chance agreement

Understanding \(P_o\) and \(P_e\)

Accuracy measures the overall correctness of predictions. Cohen's Kappa adjusts for any agreement that may happen by chance, providing a more detailed understanding of the classifier's performance.

\(P_o\) (Observed Agreement): The proportion of times where the model and the ground truth agree. This is the number of instances where the predicted labels match the true labels, divided by the total number of instances (i.e. accuracy of the model).

\(P_e\) (Chance Agreement): We can simplify the chance agreement calculation into three steps.

  1. Calculate class proportions: For each class \(c\), calculate the proportion of instances predicted as class \(c\) by the model, denoted as \(p_{c,\text{pred}}\). Do the same for instances among ground truths, denoted as \(p_{c,\text{true}}\).

  2. Compute chance agreement for each class: For each class \(c\), calculate the chance agreement by multiplying the model's proportion for class \(c\) with the ground truth's proportion for class \(c\):

    \[ \text{chance}_{c} = p_{c,\text{pred}} \times p_{c,\text{true}} \]
  3. Sum chance agreements across all classes: Sum the calculated chance agreements for all classes to get the total probability of chance agreement. This is the overall probability that the model and the ground truths would agree on the classification of instances by chance alone, across all classes:

    \[ P_e = \sum_{c} \text{chance}_{c} \]

There is an alternative method using TP, FP, FN, and TN when only two classes are involved:

\[ \kappa = \frac{2 \cdot (TP \cdot TN - FP \cdot FN)}{(TP + FP) \cdot (FP + TN) + (TP + FN) \cdot (FN + TN)} \]


Cohen's Kappa ranges from \(-1\) to \(1\). A value of \(1\) indicates perfect agreement between the model predictions and the ground truths, while a value of \(0\) indicates no agreement better than random chance. Negative values indicate a model that is less performant than a random guesser.

Kappa Coefficient Agreement Level
<= 0 Poor
> 0 Slight
> 0.2 Fair
> 0.4 Moderate
> 0.6 Substantial
> 0.8 Almost perfect
= 1.0 Perfect

Multiple Classes#

In workflows with multiple classes, Kappa can be computed per class. In the TP / FP / FN / TN guide, we learned how to compute per-class metrics when there are multiple classes, using the one-vs-rest (OvR) strategy. Once you have TP, FP, and FN counts computed for each class, you can compute Cohen's Kappa for each class by treating each as a single-class problem.

Aggregating Per-class Metrics#

If you are looking for a single Kappa score that summarizes model performance across all classes, there are different ways to aggregate the scores: macro, micro, and weighted. Read more about these methods in the Averaging Methods guide.


Suppose Doctor A claims 30 of 100 patients are sick, but Doctor B claims 42 patients are sick. However, they agree that 20 of the 100 were certainly sick. This scenario can be visualized below in a confusion matrix:

sick not sick
sick 20 22
not sick 10 48

The \(P_o\) (observed agreement) is: \((20+48)/100=0.68\)

The \(P_e\) (chance agreement) is: \((30/100) *(42/100) + (70/100)* (58/100)\) \(=0.126+0.406=0.532\)

Now for the Kappa coefficient: \(\frac{P_o - P_e}{1 - P_e}=\frac{0.68 - 0.532}{1 - 0.532}=0.148/0.468=0.316\)

So, Doctor A and Doctor B are in Fair Agreement.

Limitations and Biases#

While Cohen's Kappa can be a powerful metric that provides a more accurate picture of a model's performance on datasets with class imbalance, it is not without its limitations:

  • Dependence on Marginal Probabilities: Evaluations can sometimes lead to unintuitive results, especially if minority classes are highly imbalanced.
  • Ambiguous Interpretation: Cohen's Kappa values can be somewhat subjective and context-dependent. What constitutes an agreement level of "substantial" or "almost perfect" can vary by domain or person.
  • Threshold-Dependence: For probabilistic models, the calculations depend on the threshold used to convert probabilities into class labels. Different thresholds will lead to different Kappa values.

Cohen's Kappa remains useful as a model performance metric, offering insight while considering the distribution of classes within a dataset.