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Plots: kolena.workflow.plot#

This module surfaces plot definitions to visualize test-case-level data. Evaluator implementations can optionally compute plots using these definitions for visualization on the Results page.

The following plot types are available:

NumberSeries = Sequence[Union[float, int]] module-attribute #

A sequence of numeric values.

NullableNumberSeries = Sequence[Union[float, int, None]] module-attribute #

A sequence of numeric values or None.

AxisConfig #

Bases: DataObject

Configuration for the format of a given axis on a plot.

type: Literal['linear', 'log'] instance-attribute #

Type of axis to display. Supported options are linear and log.

Plot #

Bases: TypedDataObject[_PlotType]

A data visualization shown when exploring model results in the web platform.

Curve #

Bases: DataObject

A single series on a CurvePlot.

x: NumberSeries instance-attribute #

The x coordinates of this curve. Length must match the provided y coordinates.

y: NumberSeries instance-attribute #

The y coordinates of this curve. Length must match the provided x coordinates.

label: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Optionally specify an additional label (in addition to the associated test case) to apply to this curve, for use when e.g. there are multiple curves generated per test case.

extra: Optional[Dict[str, NumberSeries]] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Optionally specify additional series shown when hovering over the plot. For example, when plotting a precision-recall curve, it is desirable to include an extra series threshold to specify the confidence threshold value at which a given precision-recall point occurs.

CurvePlot #

Bases: Plot

A plot visualizing one or more curves per test case.

Examples include Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, Precision versus Recall (PR) curves, Detection-Error Tradeoff (DET) curves, etc.

title: str instance-attribute #

The title for the plot.

x_label: str instance-attribute #

The label describing the plot's x axis.

y_label: str instance-attribute #

The label describing the plot's y axis.

curves: List[Curve] instance-attribute #

A test case may generate zero or more curves on a given plot. However, under most circumstances, a single curve per test case is desirable.

x_config: Optional[AxisConfig] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Custom options to allow for control over the display of the plot x axis. See AxisConfig for details.

y_config: Optional[AxisConfig] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Custom options to allow for control over the display of the plot y axis. See AxisConfig for details.

Histogram #

Bases: Plot

A plot visualizing distribution of one or more continuous values, e.g. distribution of an error metric across all samples within a test case.

For visualization of discrete values, see BarPlot.

title: str instance-attribute #

The title for the plot.

x_label: str instance-attribute #

The label describing the plot's x axis.

y_label: str instance-attribute #

The label describing the plot's y axis.

buckets: NumberSeries instance-attribute #

A Histogram requires intervals to bucket the data. For n buckets, n+1 consecutive bounds must be specified in increasing order.

frequency: Union[NumberSeries, Sequence[NumberSeries]] instance-attribute #

For n buckets, there are n frequencies corresponding to the height of each bucket. The frequency at index i corresponds to the bucket with bounds (i, i+1) in buckets.

To specify multiple distributions for a given test case, multiple frequency series can be provided, corresponding e.g. to the distribution for a given class within a test case, with name specified in labels.

Specify a list of labels corresponding to the different frequency series when multiple series are provided. Can be omitted when a single frequency series is provided.

labels: Optional[List[str]] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Specify the label corresponding to a given distribution when multiple are specified in frequency.

x_config: Optional[AxisConfig] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Custom options to allow for control over the display of the plot x axis. See AxisConfig for details.

y_config: Optional[AxisConfig] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Custom options to allow for control over the display of the plot y axis. See AxisConfig for details.

BarPlot #

Bases: Plot

A plot visualizing a set of bars per test case.

title: str instance-attribute #

The plot title.

x_label: str instance-attribute #

Axis label for the axis along which the bars are laid out (labels).

y_label: str instance-attribute #

Axis label for the axis corresponding to bar height (values).

labels: Sequence[Union[str, int, float]] instance-attribute #

Labels for each bar with corresponding height specified in values.

values: NullableNumberSeries instance-attribute #

Values for each bar with corresponding label specified in labels.

config: Optional[AxisConfig] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Custom format options to allow for control over the display of the numerical plot axis (values).

ConfusionMatrix #

Bases: Plot

A confusion matrix. Example:

    title="Cat and Dog Confusion",
    labels=["Cat", "Dog"],
    matrix=[[90, 10], [5, 95]],

Yields a confusion matrix of the form:


            Cat   Dog
       Cat | 90 | 10 |
Actual     +----+----+
       Dog |  5 | 95 |

title: str instance-attribute #

The plot title.

labels: List[str] instance-attribute #

The labels corresponding to each entry in the square matrix.

matrix: Sequence[NullableNumberSeries] instance-attribute #

A square matrix, typically representing the number of matches between class i and class j.

x_label: str = 'Predicted' class-attribute instance-attribute #

The label for the x axis of the confusion matrix.

y_label: str = 'Actual' class-attribute instance-attribute #

The label for the y axis of the confusion matrix.