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Assets: kolena.workflow.asset#

Assets are additional files linked to the TestSample, GroundTruth, or Inference objects for your workflow. Assets can be visualized in the Kolena Studio when exploring your test cases or model results.

The following asset types are available:

Asset #

Bases: TypedDataObject[_AssetType]

Base class for all asset types.

BaseVideoAsset #

Bases: Asset

A video clip located in a cloud bucket or served at a URL.

locator: str instance-attribute #

URL (e.g. S3, HTTPS) of the video file.

BinaryAsset #

Bases: Asset

A binary file in a cloud bucket.

locator: str instance-attribute #

The location of this text file in a cloud bucket, e.g. s3://my-bucket/path/to/my-binary-asset.bin.

ImageAsset #

Bases: Asset

An image in a cloud bucket.

locator: str instance-attribute #

The location of this image in a cloud bucket, e.g. s3://my-bucket/path/to/my-image-asset.png.

PlainTextAsset #

Bases: Asset

A plain text file in a cloud bucket.

locator: str instance-attribute #

The location of this text file in a cloud bucket, e.g. s3://my-bucket/path/to/my-text-asset.txt.

PointCloudAsset #

Bases: Asset

A three-dimensional point cloud located in a cloud bucket. Points are assumed to be specified in a right-handed, Z-up coordinate system with the origin around the sensor that captured the point cloud.

locator: str instance-attribute #

The location of this point cloud in a cloud bucket, e.g. s3://my-bucket/path/to/my-point-cloud.pcd.

VideoAsset #

Bases: BaseVideoAsset

A video clip located in a cloud bucket or served at a URL.

locator: str instance-attribute #

URL (e.g. S3, HTTPS) of the video file.

thumbnail: Optional[ImageAsset] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Optionally provide asset locator for custom video thumbnail image.

start: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Optionally specify start time of video snippet, in seconds.

end: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Optionally specify end time of video snippet, in seconds.